Ed ecco il primo episodio della nuova serie targata Microbiologia Italia dal nome “Sotto la lente”!
In questo nuovo format andremo a scavare nel mondo dei microrganismi, approfondendoli a tutto tondo, e partiremo dai parassiti. Successivamente comunque, arriveranno anche batteri, virus, funghi, etc. perciò… non perdetevi nessun episodio!
In questo primo episodio andiamo a vedere il mondo di Trypanosoma brucei, l’agente eziologico della famosa malattia del sonno.
Buona visione!
1. Flagello:
- Langousis, Gerasimos, and Kent L. Hill. “Motility and more: the flagellum of Trypanosoma brucei.” Nature Reviews Microbiology 12.7 (2014): 505-518.
- Höög, Johanna L., et al. “3D architecture of the Trypanosoma brucei flagella connector, a mobile transmembrane junction.” PLoS neglected tropical diseases 10.1 (2016): e0004312.
- Koyfman, Alexey Y., et al. “Structure of Trypanosoma brucei flagellum accounts for its bihelical motion.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108.27 (2011): 11105-11108.
- Bastin, Philippe, et al. “Flagellar morphogenesis: protein targeting and assembly in the paraflagellar rod of trypanosomes.” Molecular and Cellular Biology 19.12 (1999): 8191-8200.
- Sunter, Jack D., and Keith Gull. “The flagellum attachment zone:‘the cellular ruler’of trypanosome morphology.” Trends in parasitology 32.4 (2016): 309-324.
- Richard J Wheeler, Nicole Scheumann, Bill Wickstead, Keith Gull, Sue Vaughan. “Cytokinesis in Trypanosoma brucei differs between bloodstream and tsetse trypomastigote forms: implications for microtubule‐based morphogenesis and mutant analysis”. Molecular Microbiology (2013).
- Flagellar attachment shapes T. brucei. J Cell Sci 15 November 2011; 124 (22): e2202.
2. Morfologia:
- Ooi, Cher-Pheng, and Philippe Bastin. “More than meets the eye: understanding Trypanosoma brucei morphology in the tsetse.” Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 3 (2013): 71.
- Henriette Zimmermann. Antigenic variation and stumpy development in Trypanosoma brucei
3. Prociclina:
- Vassella, Erik, et al. “Major surface glycoproteins of insect forms of Trypanosoma brucei are not essential for cyclical transmission by tsetse.” PloS one 4.2 (2009): e4493.
- Acosta-Serrano, Alvaro, et al. “The Surface Coat of Procyclic Trypanosoma Brucei: Programmed Expression and Proteolytic Cleavage of Procyclin in the Tsetse Fly.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 98, no. 4, 2001, pp. 1513–1518.
4. VSG:
- Shimogawa, Michelle M., et al. “Parasite motility is critical for virulence of African trypanosomes.” Scientific reports 8.1 (2018): 1-10.
- Luigi Barbieri. “Immunità ai parassiti”.
- Roberto Docampo, Gloria Rudenko; African trypanosomes: the genome and adaptations for immune evasion. Essays Biochem 24 October 2011; 51 47–62.
- Snustad, Simmons – Principi di genetica, quarta edizione – EdiSES. Pagg. 614-615.
- McCulloch, Richard, and David Horn. “What has DNA sequencing revealed about the VSG expression sites of African trypanosomes?.” Trends in parasitology 25.8 (2009): 359-363.
- Protein Data Bank
- University of Cambridge
- British Society for Parasitology. 55th Annual Spring Meeting (2017).
- Mcculloch, Richard & Cobbold, Christina & Figueiredo, Luisa & Jackson, Andrew & Morrison, Liam & Mugnier, Monica & Papavasiliou, Nina & Schnaufer, Achim & Matthews, Keith. (2017). Emerging challenges in understanding trypanosome antigenic variation. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences. 1. 585-592. 10.1042/ETLS20170104.
- Acosta-Serrano, Alvaro, et al. “The Surface Coat of Procyclic Trypanosoma Brucei: Programmed Expression and Proteolytic Cleavage of Procyclin in the Tsetse Fly.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 98, no. 4, 2001, pp. 1513–1518.
5. SRA:
- Gibson, W. C. “The SRA gene: the key to understanding the nature of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense.” Parasitology 131.2 (2005): 143.
- Zoll, S., Lane-Serff, H., Mehmood, S. et al. The structure of serum resistance-associated protein and its implications for human African trypanosomiasis. Nat Microbiol 3, 295–301 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41564-017-0085-3
6. Forme/Ciclo:
- Brice, Rotureau & Van Den Abbeele, J.. (2013). Through the dark continent: African trypanosome development in the tsetse fly. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology. 3. 53. 10.3389/fcimb.2013.00053.
- Hochstetter, Axel and T. Pfohl. “Motility, Force Generation, and Energy Consumption of Unicellular Parasites.” Trends in parasitology 32 7 (2016): 531-541 .
- Silvester, Eleanor, Kirsty R. McWilliam, and Keith R. Matthews. “The cytological events and molecular control of life cycle development of Trypanosoma brucei in the mammalian bloodstream.” Pathogens 6.3 (2017): 29.
- Unexpected plasticity in the life cycle of Trypanosoma bruceiSarah Schuster, Ines Subota, Jaime Lisack, Henriette Zimmermann, Christian Reuter, Brooke Morriswood, Markus EngstlerbioRxiv 717975; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/717975
- Sharma, Reuben, et al. “The heart of darkness: growth and form of Trypanosoma brucei in the tsetse fly.” Trends in parasitology 25.11 (2009): 517-524.
- Stijlemans, Benoit, et al. “Nanobodies as tools to understand, diagnose, and treat African trypanosomiasis.” Frontiers in immunology 8 (2017): 724.
7. Storia:
8. Glicosomi:
- Michels, Paul AM, et al. “Metabolic functions of glycosomes in trypanosomatids.” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research 1763.12 (2006): 1463-1477.
- Environmentally Regulated Glycosome Protein Composition in the African TrypanosomeSarah Bauer, James C. Morris, Meredith T. MorrisEukaryotic Cell Jul 2013, 12 (8) 1072-1079; DOI: 10.1128/EC.00086-13.
9. Vettore:
- Entomology Today.
- WHO.
- Watanabe, Junichi & Hattori, Masahira & Berriman, Matthew & Lehane, Michael & Hall, Neil & Solano, Philippe & Aksoy, Serap & Hide, Winston & Touré, Yeya & Attardo, Geoffrey & Darby, Alistair & Toyoda, Atsushi & Hertz-Fowler, Christiane & Larkin, Denis & Cotton, James & Sanders, Mandy & Swain, Martin & Quail, Michael & Inoue, Noboru & Kawahara, Yoshihiro. (2014). Genome Sequence of the Tsetse Fly (Glossina morsitans): Vector of African Trypanosomiasis. Science. 344. 380. 10.1126/science.1249656.
10. Cinetoplasto:
11. Meiosi:
12. Altre fonti:
- Mandell, Douglas – Capitolo 279, pag. 3116.
- Parasitic disease 7th edition – Capitolo 6 pag. 57.
- Gabriella Cancrini – Parassitologia medica illustrata, terza edizione – Edra – pagg. 57-61.
- Zimmermann, Henriette. (2020). Antigenic variation and stumpy development in Trypanosoma brucei.
- MicrobeWiki. “African Sleeping Sickness: Trypanosome Invasion Mechanism”
- MicrobeWiki. “Trypanosoma brucei”
- Cayla, Mathieu, et al. “African trypanosomes.” Parasites & vectors 12.1 (2019): 1-8.
- Baral, Toya Nath. “Immunobiology of African trypanosomes: need of alternative interventions.” Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 2010 (2010).
- Andrea Borsa, I segreti di Trypanosoma brucei, microbiologiaitalia.it.
- FAO. Trypanosoma brucei.
- Radwanska, Magdalena, et al. “Salivarian trypanosomosis: A review of parasites involved, their global distribution and their interaction with the innate and adaptive mammalian host immune system.” Frontiers in immunology 9 (2018): 2253.
- Viana Almeida, Laila & Coqueiro-dos-Santos, Anderson & Rodriguez-Luiz, Gabriela & McCulloch, Richard & Bartholomeu, Daniella & Cunha, João. (2018). Chromosomal copy number variation analysis by next generation sequencing confirms ploidy stability in Trypanosoma brucei subspecies. Microbial Genomics. 4. 10.1099/mgen.0.000223.
- The Monster Hunter’s Guide to Veterinary Parasitology: Trypanosoma brucei.